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Addison, Texas 25, June 2007 - AirBorn has announced that it has acquired StrataFLEX of Toronto, Canada, and CMT (Central Minnesota Tool) of Little Falls, Minn. Terms of the transactions were not disclosed.


"This is a significant step forward for AirBorn," says Cindy Lewis, President and CEO of AirBorn. "The StrataFLEX and CMT businesses are the right fit for AirBorn, with key technologies, markets, talented management teams and strong customer relationships. The acquisitions will take AirBorn into new markets and bring AirBorn's customers a new power house of product offerings." The CMT business provides turnkey stamping, moldings and automation capability for assembly, and services the automotive, mil-aero, medical instrumentation and telecom markets.


StrataFLEX, a designer and manufacturer of flexible printed circuits and assemblies, provides high reliability applications in the mil-aero, medical instrumentation and industrial markets.


"Growth in the flex circuit market has out-paced growth in standard connectors," Lewis notes. "Flex provides a practical solution for many interconnecting problems and is considered to be a key enabling technology for engineers and system designers."


AirBorn is a leading manufacturer of high reliability interconnection systems, providing broad lines of standard and custom solutions to the military, aviation, aerospace, satellite, medical, geophysical and telecommunications markets for 49 years. The company is headquartered in Addison, Texas, and markets its products through a U.S. and international direct sales force with distributors located in 20 countries around the world.


For more information about AirBorn, its products and domestic and international contacts, visit, or send an email to

Connector Manufacturer AirBorn Acquires StrataFLEX and CMT

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